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Learn coding and robotics with the world’s youngest computer programmer

By Vassiliki Bakogianni

A young boy from New Delhi, India is the world’s youngest computer programmer and we asked him to share his extraordinary story with us. 🤩

His name is Saion Gupta and he was just 12 years 254 days old when he officially broke the record in November 2022.

🔎 What is programming?
Programming is a process of writing codes in order to give specific instructions to a computer or application, telling them exactly what to do and how to perform!

Now, you might be wondering… isn’t computer programming a grown-up job, and a hard one at that?

How can a kid do it?

💡 Well, Saion did, and so can you!

Saion started his programming journey when he was 9 years old.

“Both my parents inspired me in some way or the other to become a programmer. My father helped me learn it, and my mother always gave me ideas and encouraged me to develop new apps,” Saion told us.

In fact, Saion has already developed over 100 apps. 🤯

In the last 3 years, he has won multiple inter-school, national & international competitions, among which were the School Connect International Coding Olympiad and the Hindustan Times & IBM Code-a-thon, for which he received a brand new laptop!

But Saion didn’t stop there. His passion for programming led him to want to help other kids understand it and even love it like he does!

“As I was learning coding and robotics myself, I could understand the problems that the students could face and wanted to help them in their learning process.

That led me to come up with an idea to do my own company, 10xCoderKids, where I teach coding and robotics to kids so that I can make their learning journey easy and interesting.”

So, if you want to learn how to build fun apps and games on your computer, check out Saion’s website. 🤓

Little Saion has some big dreams. 💪

He wants to become a 10x Coder, which means being around 10 times faster or more productive than any typical programmer.

Not only that, but he wants to make India the world capital of 10x Coders!

Even though he is very determined and focused on his goals, Saion always finds time for some of his other hobbies, such as:

What are your favourite activities? Do you have any of the same hobbies as Saion?

Lastly, about being a Guinness World Records title holder, Saion said: “I am thrilled that my efforts paid off!”

We are very proud of Saion and wish him every success in the future. ❤️