A new record has been set for the oldest person living by Japanese Kane Tanaka, who is... 116 years old!👵😲
She is from Fukuoka, Japan, and was 116 years 66 days old as of 9 March 2019. 📅
How old is Kane compared to you❔
Kane's record-breaking age was officially recognised on 30 January 2019 (when she was 116 years 28 days old).
Kane was born on 2 January 1903.
She was born before the internet, before TV, and even before radio was mainstream!
What else happened in 1903?
Kane got married in 1922, four days after her 19th birthday. 👰
Kane married a man named Hideo, and their wedding day was the first time they met.
Though this seems strange to us now, this was not unusual in Japan at the time.
Hideo ran a family business which made and sold sticky rice, Zenzai (a type of Japanese sweet), and Udon noodles.
But Hideo was a soldier, and when he left to fight, Kane became more involved in running the family business.
Kane now lives a peaceful life at a rest home in Fukuoka.
She normally wakes up at 6 a.m, and in the afternoon often studies subjects such as maths - for fun! 😨
Maybe we should all start doing more maths?
One of her favourite games is Othello and she's become an expert at the board game.
When given her certificate, Kane was given a box of chocolates which she immediately opened and started eating. 😋
Later she was asked how many chocolates she wants to eat today, and replied: "100." We relate, Kane! 🍫
116-year-old Kane is six years younger that the late Jeanne Louise Calment (France) who holds the record for the oldest person ever.
Jeanne was born in 1875 and lived to the age of 122 years 164 days. 👵