It's time to meet Ally Zing™!

Meet ALLY ZING! He's a fizzing ball of energy from the distant planet of Startopia, and he's here on Earth on a very special mission: to seek out the OFFICIALLY AMAZING™!
Startopia is home to the famous Starchive. It's there that ALLY ZING's uncles Sirron and Ssor look after all of the knowledge in the Universe. (Well, they're getting on a bit, so you might just see them tending to their garden, or looking for Sirron's glasses - again!) The Elders can't do it all by themselves, which is why they need ALLY ZING's help to collect the most remarkable, the most spectacular and most awesome record-breaking facts and stats.
Thanks to his dynamic spacesuit, ALLY ZING can travel faster than you can imagine and crisscross the Universe in a matter of seconds. Like the rest of his family, he's been assigned a small part of the cosmos to explore, and he's been lucky enough to find himself in our Solar System. From his base on Planet Earth, his job is to travel around in the STAR-V, seeking out new world records that he can zap back to Sirron and Ssor at the Starchive.
Back home, ALLY ZING is 1,995 Startopian Suns old. But in Earth years, this makes him a teenager, so you can expect him to get up to all kinds of mischief as he collects his superlatives... especially when he gets together with his cyborg pet Dogstar and his best friend Chance. This threesome can sometimes drive ALLY ZING's sister May crazy, but she loves them all really!
So, don't be surprised if you see ALLY ZING at a world record attempt some time soon. He'll be the one jumping around like an excited cheerleader and shouting words of encouragement. He gets rather excited when records are broken! If you see him, say hello and ask what he's been up to lately – he does find himself getting up to all sorts of adventures...

Find the missing pieces!
Move the puzzle pieces into their correct positions to complete this image of Ally Zing. How fast can you finish it?

Help Ally Zing collect all the records he's dropped in outer space - watch out for the lasers and asteroids and you dodge and dive your way through the space rock maze!