
Have you ever played chess? ♟️

If so, you’ll know that it takes plenty of practice, and winning can be difficult.

Now imagine how hard it would be to beat someone with Grandmaster (GM) status – the highest official rating (2,500+) a player can receive from the International Chess Federation.

Sounds impossible, right? 🤯

Well, for most people it is, but Ashwath Kaushik is not most people.

The Indian-born child prodigy, who lives in Singapore, became the youngest chess player to defeat a grandmaster when he was just 8 years and 172 days old! 👏

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Ashwath achieved this magnificent milestone at the 22nd Burgdorfer Stadthaus Open in Switzerland.

Recalling the event, he told us: “I knew about the record and was trying to achieve it if given a chance to be paired with a Grandmaster.” 🤔

After winning his first 3 games, Ashwath was offered that all-important opportunity.

His next opponent was 37-year-old GM Jacek Stopa from Poland.

Fun fact – Stopa was awarded GM status in 2015, the year that Ashwath was born! 👶

During the mind-bending battle, victory wasn’t guaranteed for Ashwath. 

“Stopa was a bit better in the middle after I played a bit inaccurately. 🫤

“I was thinking about my previous GM game 6–8 months ago, when I was similarly in a good position to win but couldn't convert and drew.”

But fortunately for Ashwath, he figured out how to defeat Stopa in the 4th round of their game: “I think after Nxg4 – [the knight piece moved to the g4 square] – it felt that suddenly I had a path to win.” ♞

This is your reminder to never give up!

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After the tournament, in which he finished 12th overall among 127 players, Ashwath celebrated by going sightseeing in Switzerland. 🥳

“I visited Jungfrau and the Ice Palace, which was amazing.”

Where in the world would you like to go? ✈️

So, how did Ashwath become so talented at chess?

Well, he started playing at 4 and a half years of age! 😮

“[I learned] through a chess app that my parents introduced me to, which had videos of how pieces move, and I could play against a basic bot.” ♕

Ashwath was captivated by the clever tactics and challenging puzzles, and that’s when his love for the game really took off!

Within just 2 years, he won triple gold in the Under-8 category of the 2022 Eastern Asian Youth Championship. 🥇🥇🥇

That year, he also began competing in different continents and became the World Under-8 Rapid Champion.

“It [felt] good, as I was among the lower-rated players going into the event,” he explained. 🏆

So, the big question is, how can you become a chess pro like Ashwath?

Here are his top 3 tips:

  • Regularly complete puzzles 🧩
  • Do chess visualization exercises 👀
  • Practise a lot online 🖥️

How many hours do you think Ashwath spends practising every week?

Here’s a clue: “School weekdays are a balance across homework and chess; weekends and holidays are fully for chess.” 

Ready for the answer? 💭

Ashwath trains for around 2 hours on school days, and 6-7 hours at the weekends and in the holidays.

ashwath kaushik chess lesson

This means that he usually completes 24 hours of practice every week – that’s equivalent to a whole day!!!

Surprisingly, Ashwath manages to also find time for his other favourite hobbies, including:

  • Building LEGO® models 👐
  • Reading novels 📖
  • Playing football ⚽

So, what’s next for the 8-year-old?

When we asked him what he hopes to achieve by the age of 18, Ashwath confidently stated his goal is to become a “super GM,” the unofficial step up from GM status that requires a rating of 2700+.  ⭐

“I want to be known for [playing] creative and fearless chess.”

And when it comes to career plans, Ashwath aspires to become a full-time chess player or a LEGO® designer. 🤩 

I’m sure you’ll agree that either of those jobs would be super cool! 

What do YOU want to be doing in 10 years’ time? 🫵

Congratulations, Ashwath, you are Officially Amazing! 🎉