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TikTok stars Nick DiGiovanni and Lynja create world's largest cake pop

By Sanj Atwal

You may already recognise Nick DiGiovanni (USA) and Lynn Davis (Japan) from their popular cooking videos on TikTok. 👨‍🍳

Lynn’s (aka Lynja’s) channel cookingwithLynja has 8.8 million followers and Nick’s channel nick.digiovanni has 8.2 m followers. 🤩

In November 2021, these two TikTok chefs decided to team up to bake a cake and break a record. But they didn’t plan to make an ordinary cake… they were going to create the world’s largest cake pop

Cake 🎂  + lollipop 🍭 = cake pop 😋


As if this didn’t sound mouth-wateringly delicious already, they chose to make a confetti cake pop, with white icing and colourful sprinkles (five cups of sprinkles, to be precise).

The big ball of cake had a circumference of 50.75 inches (128.90 cm) and the stick was 33 inch (83.82 cm) long. 😲

Weighing a whopping 44.24 kg (97 lb 8.52 oz), Nick and Lynja set the world record for the largest cake pop🥳️

"THANK YOU!!!!!! We are so so so excited. Couldn't have done this all without the help of the entire GWR team!" – Nick DiGiovanni

Making such a massive treat required a LOT of ingredients, and probably more than one trip to the supermarket. 🛒

The recipe list for the largest cake pop included: 

Creating the big ball of cake was a lot more complicated than you might imagine. 🤔

First, they had to bake sheet cakes, then crumble them up. They then combined this crumbly sponge with cream cheese. 

A special metal mold was made just for this special cake pop. All of the cake mix was pushed into this mold until it was all squashed in nicely. 

Once the cake filling was all stuffed inside, it was left to freeze overnight using dry ice. This made sure that the cake ball kept its spherical shape. ❄️

The next day, the frozen cake was removed from the mold, and it was time to add icing and sprinkles. 

After all the decorations and finishing touches were added, it was time for the all-important weighing. ⚖️

Once the record-breaking cake pop’s weight had been confirmed, it was time for the best part – eating it! 😋

"We took it to friends and family, medical aids, and a sports team! We also saved some in our freezer for snacking throughout the holiday season. None is going to waste at all," Nick said.  

The extra, unused ingredients, including almost 50 boxes of cake mix, were donated to a local food bank.

We can’t wait to see what Nick and Lynja will cook up in the future to bake break more records! 😄

However, Lynja has a word of warning for those looking to make their own mega cake pop... 

"Don't even think about breaking our record!" - Lynja