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All the records broken by the world's TALLEST WOMAN!

By Vassiliki Bakogianni

Record breaking reached new heights when Türkiye's Rumeysa Gelgi was confirmed as the tallest woman living back in 2021.

She has a standing height of 215.16 cm (7 ft 0.7 in)... that's about HALF a metre (or 1.6 ft) taller than the average woman!

How tall are you? 📏

And this isn't even her first record. 🤯

In 2014, at the age of 17 and with a height of 213.6 cm (7 ft 0.09 in), she was named tallest teenager (female).

As if that wasn't impressive enough, Rumeysa’s height is only one of her MANY record-breaking features!

🔎 Let's explore them all one by one...

Tallest woman living

What makes Rumeysa so tall? 🤔

The 26-year-old's incredible height is due to a rare genetic condition called Weaver syndrome, which causes accelerated growth and remarkably advanced bone age. 

Rumeysa uses a wheelchair a lot of the time, although she can use a walker to move safely for short periods of time.

What about her family?

Rumeysa’s parents and siblings are all of average height, with no one presenting signs of Weaver syndrome!

Widest hand span on a living person (female)

Rumeysa’s hand span of 22.6 cm (8.9 in) earned her another record in Karabük, Türkiye, on 19 February 2022.

Here she is holding a Guinness World Records book for scale, with her freshly manicured, record-breaking hands. 😎

Longest finger on a living person (female)

With her middle finger measuring 11.2 cm (4.40 in), Rumeysa holds another... handy record title!

But how does it feel to be the world's tallest woman?

In the past, Rumeysa has received negative comments for her appearance. 

But now, she shares that most people are supportive and that being a multiple record holder has made her proud and more positive about life!

“It motivated me to pursue my goals and have a more confident outlook in life,” she explained.

Every disadvantage can be turned into an advantage for yourself so accept yourself for who you are, be aware of your potential and do your best.

Largest hands on a living person (female)

Rumeysa went on to break another iconic hand record, with her right hand measuring 24.93 cm (9.81 in)...

That's about as long as two smartphones! 📱📱

To show the size of her hands, Rumeysa is often asked to hold various everyday objects – such as this regular-sized apple.

Looks like a fake mini apple in her hands, doesn't it?!

Longest back on a living person (female)

Her back measures an astounding 59.90 cm (23.58 in) - that's as long as three large carrots! 🥕🥕🥕

Rumeysa has said that she wants to highlight the advantages of being so tall: 

“I like being different from everyone else. It’s interesting and makes me feel special. It also provides me with easy access to high places, and looking down at people from above isn’t a bad thing either!”

Would you like to be as tall as Rumeysa?

Rumeysa: Walking Tall

Did you know that a Guinness World Records documentary on Rumeysa's life will be out soon? 😮

It will follow her as she makes her dream come true by flying to California, USA!

There she meets and bonds with other inspiring women record breakers like Wildine Aumoithe, the shortest woman living (non-mobile) and shortest professional model.

With this documentary, Rumeysa hopes to spread the important message - to always be kind and accepting of people's differences.

After all, that's what makes us unique... And life would be boring if we were all the same, right? ❤️