Achieving a world record is no small feat, and achieving two is impressive to say the least...
But to do it before the age of five?!
That is simply EPIC! 🥳
And yet, that's exactly what little Saeed did.
Do you remember Saeed Rashed AlMheiri, the boy who achieved the world record for youngest person to publish a book at the age of 4 years and 218 days?
Well, 20 days later he managed to write the book's sequel and, as a result, he became the world's youngest person to publish a book series (male) at just 4 years and 238 days of age.
In order for the record to become official, the book needed to sell at least 1,000 printed copies. And thankfully, during Abu Dhabi International Book Fair 2023, it did!
Saeed's first book, titled The Elephant Saeed and the Bear, talks about an unexpected friendship between an elephant and a polar bear.
“The elephant wanted to have a picnic on a mountain," Saeed told us. "He met a polar bear who instead of eating the elephant chooses to become his friend.”
So, what is the second book about?
It is titled My True Friend, and the story starts with the elephant finally saying farewell to his polar bear friend and heading back home.
However, when the elephant suddenly falls in water, he almost drowns and calls for help!
That is when the bear comes to the rescue. ❤️
The story ends with the elephant thanking his friend by saying: “Thank you for being a true friend”.
Who doesn't love stories that have a happy ending?!
According to Saeed, his book “teaches children how to be kind.”
The little writer is passionate about books, numbers and robotics. 📘🤓🤖
He is very ambitious and, when he grows up, he wants to be a scientist!
“When I grow up, I want to be a scientist and a superhero to save the Earth.”
His mother, Mouza AlDarmaki told us that the family wants to inspire other children and encourage them to read and write.
“We want kids to believe in themselves, if Saeed can do it, they can too,” she said.
So, who inspired Saeed to write his first book?
His inspiration comes from his sister, AlDhabi AlMheiri, who also published a book series when she was very young.
In fact, she holds a Guinness World Records title herself, for the youngest person to publish a bilingual book series (female) at the age of 8 years and 239 days old!
Her book is titled I Had An Idea And Here Was The Beginning , and she wrote it in both English and Arabic.
“I want to tell children that they can be whatever they want to be if they try hard and read what they like in order to develop their minds.” - AlDhabi
We can’t wait to see what the future holds for the two siblings!