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10-year-old 'Pop tab kid' recycles 1,654 kg of can tabs!

By Vassiliki Bakogianni

"If you think it's possible, you're halfway there": that's what 10-year-old Jace Weber from Mildmay, Ontario, Canada said about collecting 3,648 lb (1,654.70 kg) of aluminium can tabs - that's as heavy as a car! 😮🚗

Jace achieved the record for the most aluminium can tabs collected for recycling in one year.

Pretty cool, right? 😎

Now known as the “pop tab kid” around the community, Jace started collecting can tabs in August of 2022 with the goal to collect and recycle enough of them to donate the money earned towards a wheelchair for someone in need.

Within the course of a year, the collection grew beyond what he and his parents imagined and grew to record-breaking size!

Jace said that he was inspired to start this project by someone he saw on YouTube, who shared his story of collecting can tabs for many years with the goal to dedicate his entire collection to charity.

“This inspired me,” he explained. “I knew it was something small I could do that could make a difference if I collected enough of them.”

The young environmentalist originally started collecting can tabs from around his house, on camping trips or family gatherings and was always determined to do good with the collection!

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Soon, word spread about his project, and it got his friends and family excited too! They started collecting their own can tabs to help out.

🔎 People often collect can tabs because they can be recycled. When you collect a lot of them, metal recycling companies pay you based on how heavy they are. Then, they melt the tabs to make new, useful things out of the metal.

Jace explained the process: “First you take [the can tabs] to the scrap yard and then they weigh it on the scale and give you approximately $0.70 (£0.55, €0.64) per pound. After the scrap yard they go to a smelter and get burnt down and then can be used for new aluminium items and so on.”

All proceeds were donated to March of Dimes, Canada’s assistive devices programme. 

“After I dropped off the tabs at the scrap yard they went to a charity and a couple months later I found out that the money I raised helped two people that needed self-assistive devices to help them do simple daily tasks, without the help they probably wouldn’t have got those devices they needed.” ❤️

Jace’s mum and dad, Candice and Curtis, submitted the application for the Guinness World Records title and, once it was confirmed that Jace was the new record holder, they decided to throw a surprise party to celebrate Jace and share the good news!

Jace had no idea and thought the gathering was a birthday party for his uncle.

He was asked to pull a blanket off an easel to reveal, what he believed was, an “embarrassing” photo of his uncle, but instead... it was the official GWR certificate! 🤯

“When I first saw the Guinness World Records symbol, I thought it was just a dream, it was real though I couldn’t believe my eyes I stood there for a minute straight just staring at it, to this day I still can’t believe it.” 

What would you do if you found out you broke a world record?!

According to his parents, Jace was completely shocked at the news: “It was definitely a very very proud parent moment for both of us as we confirmed for him what he was seeing was in fact true." 

Jace wants to set an example for young people like you to believe in themselves and never give up. 💪

He said: “my record would have never been possible without trying and believing in yourself.  If you think something is possible, you’re halfway there, the rest is determination and hard work.” 

Jace has become quite famous to people in his area. 😎

His parents pointed out: “Last fall we were an hour away from home and someone recognized Jace as 'the pop tab kid'.”

Excited about his future endeavours, he shared that he is nowhere near stopping: “I decided to collect pop tabs for the rest of my life”.

In fact, his next objective is to contribute to his school’s fundraising goal for a new accessible playground for all the kids to play in!

🔎 And did you know...

That Global Recycling Day is celebrated on 18 March every year? It highlights the importance of recycling to conserve resources and help save our planet. 🌎

Check out our eco-friendly world record titles for kids under 16: