Want to become an eco-hero, but are not sure where to start? 🍃
Earth is our home, and it takes care of us every day with its food, water and fresh air.
So if you want to give it something back and help protect the environment, here are 5 clear steps you can take towards a more eco-friendly life!
Who knows? You might even break a world record… 👀
How would you like to grow your own little plants? 🪴
If you have a backyard, check if there is a spot where you could plant a seed to grow a little plant, or even a tree!
Get out there and get your hands dirty – then you can watch with pride as it takes root and grows over time. 🥹
Even if you don’t have an outdoor space, you can always plant your seed in a pot – all you need is a balcony or a room that gets plenty of sunlight.
And if you want to make the project more fun, turn it into a challenge!
See how fast you can plant the seeds and you could break the world record for most seeds planted in one minute. 🤩
Find out more and apply here.
Do you live close to a beach or park?
Ask a grown-up to accompany you and go litter picking! 😎
All you need is some comfortable clothes, a pair of washing up gloves and a garbage bag, and you’re good to go.
You don’t even have to go very far, as you’d be surprised at the amount of litter you can pick up just on the side of your street!
Make the world a cleaner, safer place, one step at a time. 💪🏽
The impact of meat on the environment is huge, and even reducing the amount of meat you consume by as much as one meal a week can make a big difference!
Why not have a go at having one meat-free meal a week? 😉
From pasta to salads to soups, there are plenty of delicious meat-free recipes out there.
It could even become a family-bonding activity, where you try a new dish every week. 👨🏽🍳
By separating plastic bottles, cans, paper and more, you're reducing the amount of trash that goes to the landfill.
🔎What's a landfill, you ask?
Well, it’s a big mountain of trash, where all the trash trucks go to dump their loads…
Instead, recycled things go to a recycling centre, so that they can be broken down and soon be made into new cans, bottles, and paper!
But here is how you can make recycling more fun…
Are you under 16?
Grab a friend or sibling and sort through cans, cups, paper and other recyclable materials in the fastest time possible…
You’ll have a chance at breaking the world record for fastest time to sort two bags of recyclable materials (team of two), under-16 category!
Find all the information and apply here.
And if you need some inspiration, check out the below video of kids breaking records. 👇🏼
Last but not least, the biggest difference you can make in saving the environment is by sharing your knowledge with your friends and family, and simply inviting others to follow your lead!
If we’re all in this together, we have the power to change the world. 🙏🏽