
A brick-tastic new record has been set for the Largest LEGO® brick caravan, which is made up of a mind-boggling 288,630 bricks and took five weeks to complete. The record attempt took place in Brisbane, Australia, at a Top Parks caravan park. 

Ben "The Brick Builder" Craig, oversaw the building of the caravan. 

Ben Craig outside caravan

The caravan had running water and electricity, as well as some home comforts, ALL made of LEGO®. These included: 

  • A checkers board
  • Flowers and flower pot
  • Milk and cheese 
  • A piece of toast
  • A saucepan and fried egg
  • A jar of Vegemite

Top of the stove with frying pan and fried egg

Ben even slept in the LEGO® bed, after accidentally locking himself in the work room overnight.


Ben Craig, also known as The Brick Builder, drew the design and started the building process. 

caravan from the outside 

The original design of the caravan was created through a programme that calculates the number of bricks it would take to create the main structure. 

This design was then followed by Ben and his team of the builders.

Ben Craig inside the LEGO caravan

Each builder had an iPad app they used while building, so they could track the number of bricks used.

LEGO toast and Vegemite 

Once complete, the caravan was driven around the site. Australian news channels were there, as well as the team who created the caravan, and guests and families staying at the park.

lego caravan team with certificate

However, it seems Ben would like a well-deserved rest before embarking on a new project - and not on a LEGO® bed this time!