Another year came to an end, with thousands of Guinness World Records titles being awarded all around the globe. 🌎
Some you have definitely heard before, like the world’s shortest man (Iran) or the longest fingernails (USA), while others you may have missed.
Every record title is unique and extraordinary.
In this article, we’ve found some Officially Amazing™ records broken in 2022, that may have slipped under your radar👇
Largest cake pop
At the very beginning of 2022, we saw TikTok stars Nick DiGiovanni (USA) and Lynn Davis, also known as Lynja (Japan) create the world’s largest cake pop. 🤤
It weighs 44.24 kg (97 lb 8.52 oz) and had a circumference of 50.75 inches (128.90 cm).
That’s as heavy as a pumpkin you would carve on Halloween! 🎃
Most hula hoops spun simultaneously while on stilts
To celebrate Guinness World Records Day 2022, Amazí decided to challenge herself by attempting the record for most hula hoops spun simultaneously whilst on stilts.
And indeed, she smashed the challenge with the astounding number of 25 hoops! 🤩
Amazí is an extraordinary circus arts performer and serial record-breaker.
Largest tongue circumference (male)
Some people are just born with record-breaking features.
That is the case for Dante Barnes from USA, whose tongue, when… expanded, becomes almost 42 mm (1.65 in) tall and 40 mm (1.57 in) wide.
Its circumference is 12.19 cm (4.80 in), the same as a ping pong ball! 🏓
As Dante told us, “My tongue is a gift” – and we absolutely agree.
Longest basketball shot (male)
Do you like basketball? 🏀
Joshua Walker, a basketball coach from USA, achieved not one, but FIVE basketball-related records, including an EPIC throw that was confirmed as the longest basketball shot (male).
The distance was 34.6 metres (113 ft 6 in) – in order to achieve it, Joshua had to literallystep outside the court!
Most claps in one minute
The most claps in a minute is 1,140, and was achieved by 20-year-old Dalton Meyer from USA.
Dalton first came across this record in elementary school, and has been trying hard to perfect his claps ever since! 👏
The previous record-holder was 9-year-old Seven Wade.
As you can see, this record has no age. All it takes is lots of determination and practice!
Tallest house of cards built in one hour
Have you ever tried to build a house of cards? 🃏
It sure takes a lot of patience. But to win the world record for the tallest house of cards built in one hour… it sure takes a lot more than that!
Tian Rui from China, also known as the "house of cards architect", built a 27-story house of cards and broke the record with a total height of 2.17 m (7 ft 1.4 in). 🥳
Most countries identified from their outline in one minute
The most countries identified from their outline in one minute is 95 and was achieved by Aayush Bathija from USA, at the impressive age of 11 years old. 😮
It’s only fair that Aayush would earn the title of “geography expert”!
Fastest time for a blind horse to weave five poles
In October 2022, together with his owner Morgan Wagner, this 22-year-old horse known as “Endo the Blind” achieved three amazing record titles.
One of them was being the fastest time to weave five poles – just 6.93 seconds!
Morgan and Endo grew up together, teaching one another all about horseback riding, and loving each other unconditionally. ❤️
Longest domino wall
The longest domino wall is 51.7 m (169 ft 7 in), and was achieved by Alex Koops, Steven Price, Derek Koops, Christopher Wright, Mark Robbins, Michael Fantuazzo, Matt VanVleck, Brady Dolan (all USA) and Timothy Dunsmore (Canada).
Planning for this attempt took over a month, and building the whole wall took 6 days!
The team members are all at the top of the field in this unique form of art that they love so much, domino art.
Most fast food restaurants visited in 24 hours
Let’s finish this list with the same dynamic duo that started it – Nick DiGiovanni and Lynja. 😎
This time, they secured their third Guinness World Records title with a total of 69 fast food restaurants visited!
The rule for this attempt was that at least one food or drink item must be bought and consumed at each restaurant.
But, it didn’t need to be consumed only by those attempting the record!
Therefore, while Nick and Lynja decided to buy food not only for themselves but also for people in line and people experiencing homelessness.
Find more incredible records in the Guinness World Records 2023 book, and discover a whole universe of talents and mind-blowing facts!