This is the story of Peanut, a record-breaking hen. 🐔
She is from Michigan, USA, and she is the world’s oldest living chicken.
Peanut is at least 20 years 304 days old as confirmed a few days ago, on 1 March 2023. That means that she was born in... 2002! 🤯
What is even more incredible is that she almost didn't survive, as she was abandoned by her mother when she was still inside the egg...
The woman who raised her is Marsi Darwin, a retired librarian.
She's a different breed to the type of chicken you might be used to seeing when you visit the farm with your family - she's a lot smaller than those ones, but much, much older!
“Peanut is a doddering old lady now but she has had quite a life,” Marsi commented.
Most chickens live for 5 to 10 years.
However, the oldest chicken ever, Muffy (USA, 1989 - 2012), lived to be 23 years 152 days old!
So Peanut has lived longer than most of her feathered friends, and even some cats and dogs.
But how was Peanut's life saved?
Before hatching, Peanut was left by her mum, who left the nest with all her other chicks.
Soon enough, Marsi discovered the cold egg and thought it had died... until she heard it cheep! 😍
Peanut instantly bonded to Marsi and was moved to an outside coop with the rest of Marsi’s flock.
Now she has several kids, grandkids and even great-grandkids, all living in Marsi’s coop, after living inside with her for a while!
When she was young, Peanut had a “favourite rooster” named Lance. 🧡
And, for the last few years, she has been “looked after” by Benny, a rooster with only one eye.
So what does a typical day in Peanut's life look like these days?
Well, because of her age, she now spends winters indoors, sharing a cage with her 15-year-old daughter Millie.
She likes to sleep and eat a lot, and enjoys watching TV while sitting on Marsi’s lap.
But during summer, the mother and daughter enjoy sunbathing and “scratching around” in the dirt outdoors! ☀️
According to Marsi, Peanut is an affectionate, feisty and very smart chicken!
She likes cuddles and nibbling Marsi's ear, and she always answers to her name.
As you can see in the picture below, Peanut has some cat friends too. Overall, she's got plenty of company and never feels lonely, especially as Marsi showers her with love every day.
Very soon, she will turn 21 years old! Happy birthday, Peanut, and congratulations on being Officially Amazing. 💪