Do you collect anything?
We bet you either do, or know someone who does!
Collecting things can be a fun hobby, but if you want to become a great collector, you need to:
- Be very patient
- Be really passionate about what you are collecting
In fact, collecting things can be a lot of work. 🥴
That’s why it took these record-breaking collectors years and years of research and persistency in order to accumulate all their favourite things… and become Officially Amazing!
Pokémon memorabilia
In 2016, superfan Lisa Courtney from the UK won the title for the largest collection of Pokémon memorabilia, with an extraordinary 17,127 Pokémon-related objects!
How did she achieve that? She collected them from all around the world and has travelled all the way to Japan, on multiple occasions, with the specific goal of getting more mementos.
Gotta catch ‘em all, right? ⚡
Snow globes
Now, snow globes are widely collectible, so you might already know someone who collects them.
But are they anywhere close to having… 4,059 of them?! 🤯
It took Wendy Suen from China 16 years to achieve this impressive number, fuelled by her passion for these unique ornaments.
Congratulations, Wendy!
Teddy bears
Who doesn’t love a cute, fluffy teddy bear?
Well, Istvánné Arnóczki from Hungary loves them so much, she has 20,367 of them.🧸
This might sound excessive, but there is actually a moving story behind her passion…
As a child, Arnóczki grew up in poverty and never owned a teddy bear.
Her dream was to have one that she could cuddle every night. 🤗
So she bought her first ever teddy bear back in 1978, when she was in her twenties, and she never stopped buying them!
Her personal collection, made up of teddy bears she has either bought herself, or received as gifts and donations, is now stored in the Teddy Museum in her local village in Hungary.
Yes, that’s right… there is a Teddy Museum!
Gamers of the world, assemble! 🎮
There is someone out there who is living the dream for all of you.
The largest collection of videogames consists of 24,268 items and was achieved by Antonio Romero Monteiro from USA.
Antonio has been collecting video games for almost 40 years, since he was 7 years old. 😱
Well done, Antonio!
Barbie dolls
Did you know that Barbie’s motto is "You can be Anything"? ✨
We couldn’t agree more.
Back in 2011, Bettina Dorfmann from Germany decided to be the owner of the world’s largest collection of Barbie dolls after collecting a record-breaking 15,000 different Barbies over the last 18 years.
Lip balms
This record holder is a bit different than the others, in that she is way younger and managed to win the title when she was just 7 years old. 😮
Impressive, right?
Scarlett Ashley Cheng from Hong Kong SAR, China, along with her sister Kaylyn, hold the record for the largest collection of lip balms with 3,388.
Their obsession doesn’t end there though…
They also like to create organic lip balms at home and, one day, Scarlett hopes to have her own lip balm brand. ❤️
Scarlett is one of our Young Achievers – you can read her full story here.