
On the third Friday of May each year, we mark Endangered Species Day. ❤️

It is a very special day created to remind us of just how fragile the existence of some species of animals and plants is, as well as to inspire us to learn about why it is so important to protect them…

🔎 What are endangered species?

They are special animals and plants that are in danger of disappearing from the Earth forever. And why is that?

Well sometimes, things like pollution, cutting down trees, or people’s harmful actions can make these animals’ environments, or homes, unsafe. And when that happens, they become endangered.

So imagine if all the tigers or butterflies disappeared! That would be sad, right? ☹️

That's why people all around the globe, such as scientists and environmentalists, have been working closely together to help protect these animals and make sure they have safe places to live.

But the best news is…

We can help too! 

By learning about endangered species, telling others, and doing small everyday things like using less plastic to keep their homes clean and safe, we can all help protect these wonderful animals. 🙏

sumatran tiger

On this Endangered Species Day, do your part for the planet by learning more about some very special animals and their world record titles!

Starting with… 👇

Sumatran tigers

Sumatran tigers are an amazing tiger subspecies that live in the forests of Sumatra, an island in Indonesia.

They may look big and scary, but did you know that they actually hold the world record for being the smallest tiger subspecies?

Can you imagine how much bigger the other tigers are?! 👀

Even though they're small, Sumatran tigers are really strong and great at hunting… not to mention, super cute. 🐯

But unfortunately, there aren't many of them left. This is why people are working hard to save them and their homes.

In fact, Sumatran tigers are like the protectors of the forest, so by saving them we are also protecting the beautiful forests they live in. 

black rhino

Black rhinos

Black rhinoceroses are magnificent animals but, sadly, people in certain parts of the world often hunt them for their horns, which are believed by them to have special powers… 🪄

 In reality, they're just made of keratin, the same protein we have in our hair and nails!

Some subspecies of rhinos are already extinct, such as the Western black rhinos, who are the world’s most recently extinct rhinoceros.

However, there are still many other subspecies that we can still save!

🔎 And why are black rhinos important, you ask?

Basically, they help keep the plants in balance by munching on them – so you could say that they are like gardeners of the savannas where they live. 👨‍🌾

amur leopard

Amur leopards

The Amur leopard yawning (or perhaps sneezing?) in the picture might seem all cute and funny, but these creatures are actually agile and skilled hunters!

Unfortunately, there are very few left in the world, making them the world’s rarest big cats.

In fact, only about 65-69 were estimated to exist back in 2015, and there are even less now…

But there's still hope!

People are working hard to protect these majestic cats, so that they can continue to bless the forests with their beauty for years and years to come. 🐆

monarch butterflies

Monarch butterflies

These beautiful and delicate creatures are famous for their incredible migration journey, as they travel thousands of miles every year, from North America to Mexico…🌎

A tagged monarch butterfly once set the world record for the longest journey by a butterfly, after she flew all the way from Ontario, Canada to Texas, USA on a journey that lasted almost 7 months!

Again, this time due to climate change and other environmental factors, these insects are at risk of extinction.

Thankfully, by creating butterfly-friendly gardens, some people are helping these beautiful butterflies thrive. 🦋

little elephant under large elephant


The gentle giants of the savanna are definitely amongst the most fascinating creatures on Earth, don’t you think?

And yet, elephants are in danger of becoming extinct and we need to raise awareness about their importance.

For instance, did you know that due to their amazing memory they can remember things they did and places they've been to years ago?

Imagine being able to remember things from when you were a baby… 👶🏼

So let’s help make sure that elephants continue to roam the Earth for many years to come, charming us with their size as well as their wisdom.

⚡ Oh, and here is a fun fact: in 2005, elephants from the Maesa Elephant Camp created a painting which was sold for £20,660, becoming the most expensive painting made by elephants.

Did you enjoy learning about these animals?

Share everything you learned with your friends, and let's create awareness to help keep these incredible creatures safe and their homes protected!

*Images: Pixabay