Check out this magnificent beast named King Kong – the world’s tallest living water buffalo! 🐃
King Kong, who lives at Ninlanee Farm in Nakhon Ratchasima, Thailand, is 185 cm (6 ft 0.8 in) tall when measured from the hoof to the withers.
But don’t let his size scare you, he’s nothing but a big softy who loves splashing around in the pond, eating bananas and playing with the humans who care for him. 🍌
From the moment King Kong was born on 1 April 2021, everyone on the farm knew he was special – he was super tall!
That’s why they called him King Kong, just like the giant gorilla from the movies. 🦍
Cherpatt Wutti, who takes care of King Kong, said: “We noticed right away that he was much taller than the other water buffalo!”
“He is only 3 years old, but despite his young age he’s still very massive.”
Despite his big size, Cherpatt says that King Kong is just like a playful puppy.
She explained: “He is very obedient. He loves to play around, he loves to be scratched, and running around with people.
“He is really friendly and it’s like having a big, powerful puppy on the farm.”
Isn't he adorable? 😍
King Kong was born on Ninlanee Farm and his mum and dad still live there, with many other water buffalo and horses.
In fact, it started out as a horse farm, but they’re now focussed on breeding water buffalo. 😎
💡Did you know that water buffalo have a very strong cultural and historical significance in Thailand?
They’ve played an important part in agriculture and transportation over the years!
🔎 So what does a normal day in King Kong’s life look like?
He usually wakes up at 6 a.m. when he’s led out to the yard and given time to play in the pond.
He’s given a shower after that before having his delicious breakfast served up. 😋
He does his own thing until around 5:30 p.m. when he has a second shower and eats his dinner before getting tucked up in bed for the night. 😴
What a sweet life!
Being a big boy, King Kong needs a lot of food…
He goes through about 35 kg of food per day and loves munching on straw and corn, as well as snacking on bananas. 🌽
“For me, I love everything that makes King Kong be King Kong – he is extraordinary,” Cherpatt said.
“His size, his personality.
“Everyone loves him.”
Do you have any pets? What’s their name?
Wearing a shirt with King Kong’s picture on it, Cherpatt added: “It is an incredible feeling for him to be the first water buffalo to get this record.
“It’s something I never could have imagined before.
“I’m very proud to be here in this moment because it’s really special.”
Congratulations, King Kong, you are Officially Amazing! 🎉