Hundreds of pre-school kids in one room could have led to chaos!

However, these young ballerinas have just achieved a Guinness World Records title after taking part in the world’s Largest ballet lesson in Hong Kong, China.

1,530 tiny dancers came to the event to practice their plie and sauté moves for half an hour.

The school children and ballet students were all dressed in adorable pink tutus, which made for some lovely photographs!

largest ballet lesson attempt

As you’d expect, a few of the youngest dancers didn’t manage to complete the whole lesson.

However, Guinness World Records adjudicator Brittany Erin Dunn was very impressed with how well most of the kids paid attention to the teachers and followed the class.

largest ballet lesson tutus

The record-breaking dance session was organised by the charity Yan OI Tong and DNA WeCheck to celebrate the beauty of ballet and promote healthy habits.

largest ballet lesson dancers