Zion Clark: The fastest man on two hands
“No excuses”: this is Zion Clark’s motto, and for good reason!
Zion was born with a rare syndrome, but that didn’t stop him from becoming an extraordinary athlete with a truly amazing career. 💪🏽
He is a motivational speaker, writer, and 3 times Guinness World Records title holder for:
- fastest 20 m walking on hands - 4.78 seconds
- highest box jump with the hands - 0.83 m (32.67 in)
- most diamond push ups in three minutes – 248

Growing up…
At 26 years old, Zion is a businessman, motivational speaker, actor, writer AND athlete. 🤯
Zion was born without legs due to a rare disorder named caudal regression syndrome.
This disorder has brought many difficulties and obstacles in Zion’s life: "It made my life harder from the get-go because I had to go through two different surgeries for my back, just so I could sit up straight."
When he was 16, he was adopted by his loving mother, Kimberli Hawkins, with whom he shares a very strong bond. “She gave me a purpose,” he says. ❤️
"I study the best guys in the world and I compete against the best guys in the world, and now I'm going to beat the best guys in the world."
- Zion Clark

Zion was also often bullied and teased at school by some of his classmates...
But all this never stopped him from being the best version of himself and believing in his own strengths, because we all have them! 😎
He started wrestling in elementary school - he didn’t win a match for several years, but went on to become a TOP wrestler in high school.
Sometimes, it takes a while before you reach your full potential – you just have to keep pushing. 👊
“I put in the work as much as I could every day," said Zion. “by the time my senior year of high school came around I became one of the best guys in the state."

No excuses
His talent for wrestling led him to new opportunities, including holding multiple Guinness World Records titles. 🏆
About his record for the most diamond push ups in three minutes, he said: “It was definitely a mind game. Doing these push ups, you cap 100, 150, 200, that is when real pain sets in [and] one of two things is going to happen, you are going to fold and stop, or you are going to […] keep pushing until you achieve that goal.”
Especially with sports and athletics, sometimes you need to push through the pain and keep your eyes on the goal (always being careful not to overdo it though!). 🙏🏽

"To be a Guinness World Records title holder...I'm number one."
- Zion Clark

Future goals
So what are Zion’s plans for the future?
He has been training with his manager Craig Levinson to participate at the Olympic Games in Paris in 2024!
He also plans to keep pursuing his wrestling career.
Zion’s advice to anyone facing a difficulty in life, is:
“Find what makes you happy and keep being yourself, and one day you could be beating my records.” 💪🏽
Find out more about Zion's amazing records in the Guinness World Records 2024 book – out now!