Dinosaurs π¦
Roaming the Earth more than 65 million years ago were some of the largest and scariest beasts to ever exist.
From ferocious predators like the T.rex, to peaceful plant-eaters like the Triceratops, you can learn all about these roar-some reptiles right here!

Record-breaking fossils at Royal Tyrrell Museum!

5 things dino poop can teach us π©

Giant Balloon Dinosaur!

Largest dinosaur poop collection π©

- Dinosaurs ruled our planet for over 150 million yearsΒ π΅
- The dinosaur era had 3 different periods: Triassic, Jurassic & CretaceousΒ π¦
- The word 'dinosaur' means 'terrible lizard'Β π¦
- Dinosaurs were reptiles - they laid eggs and built nestsΒ π₯
- There were over 700 dino species of all different shapes and sizesΒ π