Meet Aliia Nasyrova, the real-life Rapunzel with the dreamiest hair we've ever seen! ✨
Measuring 257.33 cm (8 ft 5.3 in), it is officially the longest hair on a living person (female).
Aliia was unveiled as the record holder on the set of our Italian TV series Lo Show dei Record, in front of a stunned audience!
Aliia is 165 cm (5 ft 4 in) tall, which makes her hair about 92 cm (over 3 ft) longer than her height...
Her locks are even longer than the world’s TALLEST MAN! 🤯
Aliia hopes her record can "inspire people to enjoy human beauty and be natural."
I hope my story will inspire readers to love their natural beauty. I am a painter and I believe that every person is beautiful, even if they look ‘different’.
Aliia is 35 years old and she currently lives in Slovakia, working as an artist and graphic illustrator as well as a long hair model. 👩🏽🎨
But we know what you're wondering...
Does she EVER cut her hair?!
The answer is... she does! Aliia likes to give her hair a trim every now and then to keep it strong and healthy like Rapunzel's! 👸
She was inspired by her mother and grandmother, who also had very long hair, as well as princesses like Rapunzel, whom she’s often compared to.
Other than trimming her locks, she shared some more of her haircare secrets:
Sounds like a lot of work, doesn't it?! 😦
Day to day, Aliia wears her hair in a braided bun since it’s so long it trails on the floor behind her.
What's your go-to hairstyle for school?
People are often so stunned by her hair that they ask if they can take a picture with her - who wouldn't want a picture with real-life Rapunzel?!
Congratulations, Aliia, you are Officially Amazing! 🥳