
Have you ever wondered what the smallest animals in the world look like? 🤔

From tiny Chihuahuas to miniature horses, let’s discover the tiniest – and cutest – creatures that hold world record titles!

pearl shortest dog

Pearl, the shortest dog

This Chihuahua is truly pocket-sized. 😍

2-year-old Pearl from Orlando, Florida, USA is just 9.14 cm (3.59 in) tall and 12.7 cm (5.0 in) long when measured from her nose to her tail, and holds the record title of shortest dog living.

She weighs less than a basketball 🏀, but despite her small size she is a HUGE diva!

“She has a very busy schedule and a true diva character,” her owner Vanesa informed us.

For example, she has 2 dedicated dog-sitters that cater to her many, many needs!

If you’re curious about what a day in Pearl’s life looks like, read her full story here.

bombel shortest horse

Bombel, the shortest horse

In 2018, a miniature horse from Poland named Bombel ("Bubble" – so-named for his round shape 🫧) was officially confirmed as the world’s shortest male horse, standing at just 56.7 cm (1 ft 10 in) from hoof to shoulder blades.

Bombel lives on a farm alongside much larger horses, but his small stature didn’t stop him from making friends!

The record-breaking stallion teaches us that your height doesn't matter when it comes to spreading joy and making friends – your heart does. ❤️

blaze shortest cow

Blaze, the shortest cow

Meet Blaze, the world’s shortest cow ever! 🐮

Standing at just 69.07 cm (2 ft 3.19 in) tall from the hoof to the withers (the highest part of her back), Blaze steals the show wherever she goes.

She is so tiny compared to other cows that, at first glance, she could easily pass for a dog. 😆

Just like Bombel, Blaze proves that size is no obstacle to being amazing…

And in her case, Officially Amazing!

kneehi shortest donkey

KneeHi, the shortest donkey

Even shorter than Blaze, KneeHi is a special little guy who holds the title for being the world’s shortest donkey living, measuring just 64.2 cm (25.29 in) tall.

Can you believe it? 🤯

Robert Green, who first introduced the breed of miniature donkeys into the USA in 1929, once said: 

"Miniature Donkeys possess the affectionate nature of a Newfoundland [dog breed], the resignation of a cow, the durability of a mule, the courage of a tiger, and the intellectual capability only slightly inferior to man's." 

What a legend.💪

humphrey shortest bull

Humphrey, the shortest bull

Last but not least, Humphrey is the world’s shortest bull ever with a height of 67.6 cm (26.6 in)

According to his owner Michelle, Humphrey is “a little stubborn and hard-headed, but at the same time he can be very friendly when he chooses to be”.

So how do people react when they see him?

"Shock and awe are usually the biggest reactions that we get… It's hard for people to believe there are animals so small who are full-sized.”

These stories of the world’s shortest creatures teach us that size doesn't limit greatness. ✊

So remember: even the smallest beings can achieve the grandest of dreams!

How tall are you? Check out the TALLEST PEOPLE and SHORTEST PEOPLE Quizzes, and let’s see if you could break a record with your height!