ivan yu close up with millennium falcon

📣 LEGO® fans, assemble! 

A Canadian student with a passion for Star Wars has broken the record for building the Millennium Falcon out of LEGO® - and we think you should follow his lead...

Ivan Yu set the fastest time to build the LEGO® Star Wars 75192 Millennium Falcon™ with a time of 7 hours, 36 minutes and 37 seconds.

The 20-year-old was almost 3 HOURS faster than the previous record holder!

Can you ever imagine building a LEGO set for over 7 hours, non-stop? 😬

Well, Ivan did it, and now the prestigious world record title belongs to him.

Do you like Star Wars?

Ivan has always been a huge Star Wars fan, and he especially loved the designs of the spaceships, such as the Millennium Falcon or the Star Destroyer!

ivan yu building his millennium falcon

So why did he decide to break this particular record?

“I also collected a lot of LEGO and to this day I still enjoy building LEGO in my free time, so when this Millennium Falcon set came out a few years ago I knew I had to get it, so I saved up for it and when I finally got it I came across a video that Guinness World Records had made of the previous record attempt and I thought to myself, ‘Hey it would be pretty cool to beat that record’.”

The Millennium Falcon set is made of... 7,541 pieces. 🤯

Of course, breaking a world record is no piece of cake!

In fact, Ivan took his record attempt very seriously, and conducted a lot of research before he began his build:

“So, this was my first time building the Millennium Falcon but before I attempted the record I did want to do some practice runs, practising with some of the smaller LEGO Star Wars sets I have, like the AT-TE and the AT-AT, both of which took me a little over an hour and that gave me a lot of confidence for the actual record attempt.

“In addition, I also did some research on the past record holders and some of their strategies and also spent a lot of time reviewing the instructions, using a pen and sticky notes to annotate certain instructions that I thought were unclear or difficult to see.”

Ivan says the building process was a lot of fun and that he got so far into the zone that the 7 and a half hours simply flew by! 🤪

ivan yu three hours into his build

And what were the main difficulties of his attempt?

“My fingertips and my back did hurt at the end of the build," Ivan told us. "So, if I ever attempt a record like this again, I’ll probably want a standing desk or a better set-up."

He added: “In the first bag of the set you’re just building out the skeleton for the ship and it’s a little bit hard to tell the front from the back.

“In one of the steps I forgot to rotate the set around and ended up placing a bunch of the pieces in the wrong direction, and then I had to go back and undo all of those pieces.

“In that moment, I actually felt really worried about completing the record and I was wondering if I should restart since I was only about 30 minutes into the build at that point.”

Ivan decided that he wasn't going to give up... and became a record breaker despite his setback! 💪

ivan yu working on the millennium falcon

His Millennium Falcon is on display next to his desk so he can look at it all the time and be reminded that, with hard work and determination, you can achieve great things in life.

But Ivan's journey of record breaking doesn't stop here. In the future, he wants to break some more LEGO Star Wars records, and even have a crack at shaving some time off his Millennium Falcon build!

You can always make things a little more awesome when you give it that extra oomph. 😉

Would you like to break a LEGO record like Ivan?

Do you think you've got what it takes?

If you're under 16 years old and you share Ivan's love for LEGO, try and break one of these world records:

Good luck.🍀

Congrats, Ivan, you are Officially Amazing! 🥳

ivan yu holding up his millennium falcon