Meet Scarlett Cheng, the world’s biggest lip balm fan! 💄
At the age of 7, she broke the world record for the largest collection of lip balms with 3,388.
Scarlett, from Hong Kong, started using lip balm when she was around 3 years old, and her mum and grandma would apply it to heal her dry lips.
Do you use lip balm on your lips? 👄
At the age of 5, she started collecting them and she just never looked back…
She loooves finding the most unique lip balms from all around the world! 🌎
“It all started while I was travelling to Japan with my family during a winter break,” she told us.
“The weather was so dry and my lips were cracking yet I couldn't find my lip balm in all my pockets! So we went into one of those Japanese pharmacies to get one and that’s when I fell in love with lip balms.
“I remember there were so many cute lip balms and flavours to choose from…
“It was a hard decision to pick just one so we ended up buying all the special ones, taking them back to the hotel and trying them all!”
And the rest… is history!
🔎 Do you collect anything? How many items do you have in your collection?
Scarlett feels very lucky to have found her big passion so early in life.
According to her: “When you find your passion and go for it, everything becomes possible.”
Even breaking a world record! 😎
Scarlett’s story was featured in our book Guinness World Records 2023.
By the way, the latest edition of our book, Guinness World Records 2025, is out now! Have you checked it out?
A couple years after her big record-breaking success, she decided she was ready to attempt a whole new record – one that requires a completely different set of skills! 👀
So, after she showed us her updated, show-stopping collection, we decided to challenge Scarlett to attempt one record from our vast selection of under-16 record titles that are up for grabs.
Basically, if you’re under 16 and want to break a world record, these are the titles you should go for… so you don’t have to compete unfairly alongside the grown-ups!
You’re welcome. 😉
The record that caught Scarlett’s eye was for the fastest time to complete a “Pop it”.
She knew she needed speed and precision for this challenge, and she was confident that she had both!
After training a few times by herself, she did her first official attempt in front of the camera, and…
Well, as you can see in the video, it seemed like she broke the record – but did she? 🤔
She will have to officially apply with the help of her parent or guardian to know for sure!
So, if you want to try your hand at an under-16 record, start by checking out the available titles.
Remember, these records for kids are just as official but TWICE the fun!
Good luck to Scarlett with her application, and we’ll be waiting for yours. 🫵