Do you like inventions? 🤓
The kids who broke this cool world record definitely do!
At The Invention Show, a super fun event hosted by the Kids Invent Stuff team, 157 kids and their families achieved the record of most people making popcorn cannons simultaneously.
If you want to learn how to make your own popcorn cannon, keep reading…
🍿 So what is a popcorn cannon?
It is a fun toy you can make at home, simply by taping a balloon to the end of an empty toilet paper roll. You put some popcorn inside the tube, pull back the tied end of the balloon, and then… let go.
When you release it, the popcorn shoots into the air like a mini cannon! 🎉
Doesn’t it sound like fun?
Audience members at The Invention Show were given bags containing all the stuff needed to make the cannon and had just 5 minutes to assemble them. 😬
As the adrenaline kicked in, kids and their parents scrambled to tape their balloons, fill their tubes, and get their popcorn ready to launch.
Laughter and excited shrieks filled the room as some cannons fired perfectly, sending popcorn flying in the air, while others needed a little tweaking…
And when the time was up, the air burst with delicious popcorn! 🚀
Kids Invent Stuff is a YouTube channel that inspires kids like you to embrace their inner inventor and pitch all manner of wacky inventions.
Ideas conceived by kids and built by Ruth and Shawn, the channel’s hosts, include:
What would your invention be? 🤔
So, are you ready to build your own popcorn cannon?
Check out this super useful tutorial made just for you by the Kids Invent Stuff team…
Have fun, and don’t forget to embrace your curiosity and creativity. 😎