
Do you play a musical instrument? 🎼

If so, this could be your golden ticket to GWR glory! 🎫

Here are some of our favourite records involving musical instruments, achieved by kids, adults and even cats!

Youngest Club DJ Female

Youngest club DJ (female)

Can you imagine what it would be like to perform a 70-minute DJ set in front of 100 people?

Oh, and doing this aged just 6 years and 155 days?! 🫨

Less than 1 year after getting her first DJ controller, RINOKA (Japan) confidently stepped up to this exciting challenge at a club in Tokyo, Japan, on 9 July 2023.

The youngest male club DJ is Archie Norbury from the UK, who was aged 4 years and 130 days when he hopped on the decks in Hong Kong, China, on 30 March 2019. 👏

Most guitar amplifiers used simultaneously

Most guitar amplifiers used simultaneously

An amplifier is a device that takes the electrical signal from a guitar, which is usually quite quiet, and makes it louder so musicians can clearly hear what they’re playing. 🎸

Usually 1 amplifier will be enough, but on 25 February 2024, Jon Locker (USA) wanted to hear what it would be like to use 81 amps all at the same time.

That must’ve been SOOOOO loud! 🔊

It took 3 days to set up the amps, connect and test them, complete the record attempt and remove them from the venue.

Longest marathon drumming by an individual

Longest marathon drumming by an individual

Can you guess how long Allister Brown from the UK spent drumming between 16 and 22 July 2023?

Drumroll please… 🥁

A whopping 150 hours and 1 minute! 😮

This was Allister’s 3rd time achieving this record, having previously managed 58 hours in 2003 and 102 hours in 2008.

This is your reminder to keep practising and never put limitations on what you can achieve!

Largest Orchestra

Largest orchestra

On 13 November 2021, 8,573 musicians from El Sistema Nacional de Orquestas y Coros Juveniles e Infantiles de Venezuela (National Institution of Youth and Children's Orchestras and Choirs of Venezuela) came together to perform Tchaikovsky’s “Slavic March”.

Tchaikovsky (1840-1893) was a Russian composer from the Romantic era, best known for composing music for ballets such as Swan Lake (1877) and The Nutcracker (1892). 🩰

El Sistema’s players were aged between 12 and 77.

The orchestra comprised piccolos, flutes, oboes, clarinets, horns, cornets, trumpets, trombones, tubas and violins, among other instruments. 🪈

Most piano key hits in one minute

Most piano key hits in one minute

On 20 December 2024, Keita Hattori of Japan hit a singular piano key 1,030 times in just 1 minute! 👆

How many times could you hit a piano key in 60 seconds?

Not only can Keita play the piano, but he can also play the drums… and break records with them!

Keita currently holds 7 GWR titles, including:

  • Fastest time to solve a 6 level Tower of Hanoi (23.03 seconds, as of 24 October 2024) 🧩
  • Most piano key hits in 30 seconds (533, as of 20 December 2024) 🎹
  • Most single stroke roll drumbeats in 3 minutes using drumsticks (3,706, as of 13 January 2025). 🥁

First piano concerto for cat

First piano concerto for cat

It’s not just humans who have used musical instruments to help them claim a world record!

Nora, a rescue cat from the USA, clawed the first piano concerto for cat record on 5 June 2009!

What a su-paw-star! 🐾

After watching videos of Nora playing the piano on YouTube, Lithuanian composer Mindaugas Piečaitis created a 4-minute piano concerto for chamber orchestra and cat. 🐈

When “Catcerto” debuted at the Klaipėda Concert Hall, the orchestra played alongside a video of Nora pawing at the piano. 

Nora the Piano Cat sadly passed away in February 2024, but her magical musical abilities will continue to be celebrated on her YouTube channel with 25.2k subscribers. ❤️