
Spooky season is upon us! 🧟

Do you love all things spooky, or do you have Samhainophobia, the fear of Halloween?

On 31 October, people all over the world dress up in scary costumes and go trick or treating, celebrating the most spooktacular day of the year. 👻

To get you into the spirit, here are 5 records that might send a chill down your spine… 

heaviest pumpkin with travis

Heaviest pumpkin

Okay, let’s start with something light… in spookiness, but heavy in every other aspect!

This gigantic pumpkin-g has been crowned in California, USA, with the title of all-time heaviest pumpkin

It weighs 2,749 lb (1,246.9 kg), which is as heavy as two cows. 🐄 🐄

This is about 180 times the size of the typical pumpkin you’ll buy to carve a jack o’lantern this Halloween... 🎃

Or, if you enjoy a delicious pumpkin pie, this is about enough pumpkin to make over 1,600 pies!

largest gathering of witches

Largest witch gathering

This record will bewitch you. 🧙🏼‍♀️

In Sort, Lleida, Spain, 1,607 people all dressed in a black hat, a black floor-length dress and, of course, all with their own special means of transport – a broom – broke the record for the largest gathering of people dressed as witches. 🧹

Tip: If you’re still trying to find the perfect Halloween costume but are out of ideas, you can never go wrong with a cool witch costume!

people dressed as vampires

Largest gathering of vampires

What a fang-tastic record! 🧛

1,369 people came together to break the record for the largest gathering of people dressed as vampires.

What makes this record even spookier is the location, Whitby Abbey, in the UK. It is the very place that inspired the creation of Count Dracula, the legendary, centuries-old vampire… 🏰  

You can read the whole story and see more pictures of all the cool costumes here.

Largest collection haunted dolls

Largest collection of haunted dolls

If you haven’t been spooked until now, this record will definitely do the trick. 😰 

The world's largest collection of haunted dolls is found on Mexico's Island of the Dolls or, in Spanish, La Isla de las Muñecas.

If you visit this tiny island, you will find thousands of broken, damaged and rotting dolls, hanging from the trees and bushes…

Oh, and legend has it that these dolls all come to life at night!  😱

Don’t worry though, as long as you don’t visit the island at night, you’re safe. Also, we don't monitor this record title anymore, so don't worry, no more haunted doll records will be coming up anytime soon!

longest snake in captivity ever

Longest snake in captivity ever

It wouldn’t be a Halloween round-up without a hisss-terical snake record. 🐍

Meet Medusa, the longest snake in captivity ever!

This reticulated python was found to be 7.67 meters (25 ft 2 in) long, when measured on 12 October 2011. 

Medusa was very happy to be housed at “The Edge of Hell Haunted House” in Kansas City, USA, for many years, and she was such a performer!

Fun fact: she would purr like a cat when happy… not so spooky after all, is she? 😉

Test your level of spookiness with the absolute Haunted Halloween Quiz!