
Hello, young witches and wizards! 🪄 

Did you know that International Harry Potter Day is celebrated on 2 May every year, by avid Harry Potter fans – also known as Potterheads – all around the world?

So let’s celebrate our favourite magical world by looking at some truly spellbinding feats. From incredible collections to fun trivia, there is something for everyone! 

Could you break one of these records? 👇

largest collection of harry potter memorabilia

Largest collection of Harry Potter memorabilia

With a whopping 5,284 items (when last verified in 2021), Tracey Nicol-Lewis from the UK holds the record title for the largest collection of Harry Potter memorabilia.

And since it’s been over 3 years since the last official count, can you even imagine how many more items she has added to her collection since?! 👀

After all, if a muggle can’t go to Hogwarts, all they can do is turn their house into their very own magical castle. 🏰

Can you guess which character Tracey relates to the most?

Tonks, of course!

“I change my hair colour all the time. I’m not your normal person, I like to be different” she explained.

What’s YOUR favourite character?

Tracey has had the pleasure of meeting over 50 of the actors and actresses from the films, and one of her favourite memories is meeting Rupert Grint who played Ron Weasley.

She’s really living the dream! 🤩

The record-breaking witch also holds the record for largest collection of Wizarding World memorabilia, with 5,434 items, and she loves Fantastic Beasts and The Cursed Child.

most harry potter characters identified by quote

Most Harry Potter characters identified by quote in one minute

Sure, you’ve seen the movies and/or read the books…

But can you identify each character solely by hearing one of their quotes?! 🤯

Ashley Nunan from Sydney, Australia, was 16 when she discovered her unique talent and decided to break the world record for the most Harry Potter characters identified by quote in one minute, with a whopping 44!

After fracturing her wrist and being unable to play sports for a while, Ashley decided to hone her skill and attempt to do something amazing.

See? Sometimes, bad circumstances can lead to awesome breakthroughs if you decide to NOT give up! 🥹

Ashley was also inspired by her sister, Lara Nunan who, in the past, achieved multiple record titles including the most Marvel characters identified in one minute. 😎

largest gathering harry potter

Largest gathering of people dressed as Harry Potter

Last but not least, 997 students from West Byford Primary School in Perth, Australia, decided to attempt a world record together by all dressing up as the most beloved character, Harry Potter himself.

After all, he is the chosen one.⚡

The record? Largest gathering of people dressed as Harry Potter of course!

This record was set in 2017… do you think you could break it?

All you have to do is find more than 997 friends and join forces… magical forces. 🧙‍♂️

Are you a TRUE Harry Potter fan?

Challenge your friend or sibling who is a fellow Harry Potter fan to answer these trivia questions… whoever can answer the most questions correctly, wins!

  1. What is the name of Harry Potter's pet owl?
  2. What is the name of the train station where students catch the Hogwarts Express?
  3. Who is known as the "Boy Who Lived"?
  4. What is the name of the ghost who haunts the girls' bathroom at Hogwarts?
  5. What magical sport do students play on broomsticks at Hogwarts?
  6. Which Hogwarts house does Harry Potter belong to?
  7. What are the full names of Harry's two best friends?
  8. What are the names of the magical creatures that pull the carriages at Hogwarts?
  9. What type of creature is Dobby? 
  10. What does the spell "Wingardium Leviosa" do?