Meet Eric Kilburn Jr., the 16-year-old from Goodrich, Michigan, USA, who has earned a spot in the Guinness World Records 2025 book by breaking TWO world records! 🤩
He has the world’s largest feet on a living teenager, measuring an impressive 34.30 cm (13.50 inches). His shoes are an American size 23 (the equivalent of a size 22 for the UK).
This is over DOUBLE the average shoe size for an adult man, which typically ranges from 8.5 to 9. 👀
Eric’s hands are just as extraordinary: measuring an amazing 23.20 cm (9.13 inches), they are the largest hands on a living teenager.
For reference, the average hand size for his age is 19.04 cm (just over 7.4 inches).
Pretty awesome, right?!
What is your shoe size? 👞
Eric first realized he was special in kindergarten, noticing that he was "much taller and larger than his friends."
The older he grew, the more his everyday life was affected by his large hands and feet…
For example, he told us that he hasn’t been able to shop for shoes in a store “since around fifth grade” – he now has to buy custom-made ones that cost over $1,500 (£1,146.86) a pair! 🤯
Soon, shopping for gloves also became a challenge. 🧤
Just look at how big Eric’s hands look while holding a normal-sized video game controller.
So while buying these super expensive shoes, Eric's mother Rebecca began to wonder if his remarkable size might qualify him for a world record.
She thought that, maybe, having Eric's unique measurements acknowledged with a record would, in turn, attract companies willing to make shoes that would fit him! 🤓
And indeed, once Eric's story gained traction online, huge companies like Puma and Under Armour stepped in, offering some amazing shoes and boots!
Imagine your favourite brands sending you their products for free – talk about feeling special. 😎
According to Eric, one of the best parts about his record was “having the connection with the amazing shoe companies, and all of the people who stepped up to help me when I needed shoes.”
“It was pretty cool to see how many people genuinely care about helping others,” he told us.
But how does it feel to be someone who stands out like Eric? 🤔
“People are usually amazed and feel comfortable starting conversations with me about the size of my feet and hands,” Eric told us. “I meet lots of interesting people this way.”
Despite his extraordinary size, Eric’s family and friends treat him no differently.
Although, Eric added, his friends do get a kick out of trying on his massive shoes! 🤪
Eric has a very special feature but, aside from that, he’s a kid just like you who enjoys various hobbies such us:
“Combined with my height, I make an excellent blocker for all kinds of shots in sporting events,” he told us.
Who wouldn’t like to have Eric on their team? 😉
So what does the future hold for Eric?
As he told us, he hopes to get involved with The Big Shoe Network, a nonprofit organization founded by his mother, that helps people who struggle to find clothes and shoes in their size.
“I want to help people the same way I was helped when I needed it,” Eric explained. ❤️
But how does it feel to be featured on Guinness World Records 2025?
“[It] still feels surreal,” he told us. “To have gone from reading the books to being inside the 2025 book is something I never would have imagined was even possible."
What record would YOU like to break?
Get inspired by the amazing record breakers featured in our Guinness World Records 2025 and the Gamer’s Edition books, available now!